MTG Oracle Deck featured image for mono color magic featuring Bryan holding a card drawn from the deck with the box next to him on the table

Divination with the MTG Oracle Deck from Magic: the Gathering

Do you enjoy the Theros plane in Magic: the Gathering? Do you have an interest in Greek mythology or the planes of those gods? How about an interest in understanding yourself better? Ever heard of Divination? Well Wizards of the Coast has, and they released the new MTG Oracle Deck to scratch all off those itches!

With amazing artwork and a throwback to everyone's favorite god driven plane, this MTG Oracle Deck will have you oo-ing and ah-ing before you even ask it a question.

MTG Oracle Deck front of box in hand

The cards aren't just pretty though. Both their game relevance and their Oracle meaning are rich and powerful. From drawing a card a day for yourself to meditate or focus on to drawing out a whole spread to make complicated questions clearer, this Oracle deck will help you find clarity, peace, and some fun along the way.

About a month ago I had an awesome chat with Andrea (Andy) Gehrz about The Crossroads of Astrology and Magic: the Gathering. With this new Oracle deck from MTG, we decided to get together and have another discussion about Divination and where the Oracle deck would fit in!

MTG Oracle Deck back of box in hand

Special thanks to John Marani for joining us and providing his Tarot and Oracle expertise. John is also a member of the Moira Press, along with Andy.

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In preparation I purchased the deck and shot a few videos. I started by opening the box and showing off what's inside. A 52 card deck and an instruction/reference book that both explains how the deck is used and provides great write ups on the cards. Each card has it's meaning in Magic: the Gathering as well as the Oracle meaning, and if you're so inclined, a Reverse meaning.

After acclimating to the contents of the MTG Oracle Deck box, I read through the book to get the gist of the different uses. I decided to make another video showing a few of the spreads recommended in the book.

The first spread is just a single-card pull. Then I followed it up with a three card spread, focusing on overcoming an obstacle. Both of these are found in book and appropriate for yourself, or reading for others.

You can see I drew some intersting cards for myself, and was easily able to assign meaning to the single card.

I tried the single card again the next day and ended up with a Web of Drama. Found that one appropriate too.

After practicing on myself and perusing the book some more, it was time to discuss the new MTG Oracle Deck with some other Magic: the Gathering fans who also have vested interests in Tarot and Oracle readings.

I enjoyed this chat and the adjacent topics that popped up. Any time you get to talk Magic: the Gathering and board games it's a fun day. And while I'm no expert, I found the Divination discussion extremely interesting with an expert involved!

Here's Andy's Black Cat that was mentioned in the video:

MTG Black Cat card

I've kept up with drawing a card each day since we recorded. I'll keep my personal interpretation to myself, but share the cards from the last 3 days so you can enjoy their artwork and hopefully spark some imagination and internal conversation.

Yes, that's a Rubik's Cube on my desk. Idle hands and all that.

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Be sure to pick up your own copy of the MTG Oracle Deck here from Amazon and start your Divination journey!

Like the Facebook page, and join the Mono Color Magic Facebook group to discuss all things Magic!

All cards are copyright Wizards of the Coast and many included images and symbols are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC (now a subsidiary of Hasbro.)

Bryan - MCM
Author: Bryan - MCM

Magic player since Revised in 94. Still remember opening boosters of Revised, the Dark, and Arabian Nights as a kid. Watching it be a big deal (and then let down) when Fallen Empires dropped. Then Magic got it right again and really took off. While the current state of Wizards is debatable, I still enjoy playing with friends and my kids. I don't do tournaments much these days but I've played Draft, Sealed, Standard, Extended (not a thing anymore,) Pre-Release, Grand Prix, States Qualifiers, and Teams tournaments. Though I'm not a judge, I'm the one the friends turn to when there's a rules question, and if I don't know it, I find it. Please, ask me anything, comment on posts, and share Magic with your friends and family!

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